Single News and Press Releases

Ritiro Viaduct: two new roadways to serve the area

Messina, July 30, 2024 – The opening of the new roadway on the upstream side of the Ritiro Viaduct, located on the A20 Messina-Palermo highway, marked an important step forward in strengthening the connections between these two major urban centers, with a safer and more sustainable infrastructure. The work, carried out on behalf of CAS

Ritiro Viaduct: two new roadways to serve the area Read More »

Il nuovo ponte sul fiume Po aperto alla circolazione tra San Benedetto e Bagnolo San Vito 

The new bridge over the Po River opened to traffic between San Benedetto and Bagnolo San Vito

The work built by Toto Costruzioni Generali on behalf of the Province of Mantua has passed tests in recent weeks San Benedetto Po, February 29, 2024. In the early afternoon, the new San Benedetto Po Bridge was opened to vehicle transit. As of today, the infrastructure is usable thanks to the completion of the two

The new bridge over the Po River opened to traffic between San Benedetto and Bagnolo San Vito Read More »

130 million contract for seismic safety of 5 viaducts on A25

With this new order, the value of orders acquired over the past 12 months exceeds 300 million euros. Works portfolio at 600 million Chieti, December 18, 2023. Toto Costruzioni Generali came first in the awarding of a new contract for the design and execution of earthquake-proofing works on five major viaducts of the A25 freeway,

130 million contract for seismic safety of 5 viaducts on A25 Read More »