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- Legality Rating (ITA)
The Legality Rating, introduced by the legislator, is a synthetic indicator of compliance with high standards of legality by companies that have applied for it.
It is issued by the Italian Competition and Market Authority – AGCM – and consists of the attribution of a score ranging from a minimum of one to a maximum of three stars.
The requisites for obtaining the legality rating relate to the possession of morality requirements, the adoption of transparent behaviour, adhesion to ethical codes of self-regulation, the presence of forms of Corporate Social Responsibility, and in general the degree of attention paid to the correct and transparent management of company business.
The recognition is valid for two years from the date of issue and is renewable at the request of the company concerned.
For the two-year period 2024 – 2026, Toto Costruzioni Generali has obtained the Legality Rating with a score of three stars, which certifies the importance attributed by the entire company to transparent and responsible management of its activities.
The Legality Rating, introduced by the legislator, is a synthetic indicator of compliance with high standards of legality by companies that have applied for it.
It is issued by the Italian Competition and Market Authority – AGCM – and consists of the attribution of a score ranging from a minimum of one to a maximum of three stars.
The requisites for obtaining the legality rating relate to the possession of morality requirements, the adoption of transparent behaviour, adhesion to ethical codes of self-regulation, the presence of forms of Corporate Social Responsibility, and in general the degree of attention paid to the correct and transparent management of company business.
The recognition is valid for two years from the date of issue and is renewable at the request of the company concerned.
For the two-year period 2022-24, Toto Costruzioni Generali has obtained the Legality Rating with a score of two stars ++, which certifies the importance attributed by the entire company to transparent and responsible management of its activities.